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Running or doing any kind of exercise is very good and keeps one active and fit. However, one of the common problems that a runner or a person who loves keeping their body fit faces is foot corn. These develop due to continued friction or pressure on particular areas of the foot. Foot corns might be small in size but because of the discomfort caused, it becomes very uncomfortable for one to continue with exercising or even walking.

Fortunately, foot corn can be avoided by approaching the problem correctly. This blog will explain what foot corn is, why it develops during exercise, and the best foot corn medical treatment.

What Are Foot Corns?

Foot corns are thickened concentrations of skin which develop as a result of recurrent friction or pressure. In contrast to the callus, which forms over any wider area of weight-bearing skin and can be quite large, the corn tends to be more circumscribed and localized. Corns consist of a hard central core with inflamed skin that surrounds it, usually painful when pressure is applied.

The two main types of foot corns are:

  • Hard Corns: These most often form on the top of the toes or any other bony regions of the feet, which may receive a great amount of pressure. Hard Corns have a thickened core that is dense. 
  • Soft Corns: These happen between the toes where moisture helps keep them softer. A majority of the time, these are painful and may further cause irritation if left untreated. 

Why Do Foot Corns Develop During Exercise or Running?

The constant pressure and friction of your feet will be particularly exacerbated by exercise, especially when running, as the foot is always striking the ground and rubbing against your shoe. Ill-fitting shoes, bunching socks, or structural foot problems such as bunions or hammertoes can all exacerbate the problem by causing the formation of corns.

Key factors which contribute to corn formation while running or exercising include:

  • Shoes That Are Too Small or Don’t Fit Well: Because friction is developed when shoes are too tight, serious pressure on the toes and forefoot may occur. Conversely, during the use of too loose shoes, the foot slides around inside and causes excessive rubbing with the interior of the shoe.
  • High-Impact Activities: Running, especially on hard surfaces like concrete, develops greater stress on the feet, thus leading to corns developing on the soles or toes.
  • Abnormal Foot Biomechanics: An abnormal gait and structure of the foot can include conditions like flat feet or high arches, which make your feet not distribute pressure properly. This may create localized areas of pressure, making the chance of developing corns more likely.
  • Poor Fit of Footwear: Without proper footwear support regarding arch support or cushioning in shoes, it causes pressure imbalances, leading to hotspots of friction and corn development.

Prevention of Foot Corns When Exercising or Running

Preventing foot corns calls for good foot care as well as being attentive and sensitive to the manner in which one deals with the feet either prior to, during, or after exercise. The following are some of the best possible means of preventing corns when one is in action.

1. Wear the Right Shoes

The first step in foot corns prevention is selecting the right pair of shoes. Your running or workout shoes should offer adequate support, cushioning, and fit. It’s a good idea to get professionally fitted to ensure that your shoe choice fits and matches the shape of your foot. There should be enough room in the toe box for slight movement but the heel must be snug.

2. Wear Proper Socks

Any moisture-wicking material, such as merino wool or synthetic blends, is used to make socks, which are useful in keeping your feet dry since extra moisture has a tendency to soften skin, making it more susceptible to soft corns. Socks with extra cushioning offer protection in high-pressure areas such as the ball of your foot and your toes.

3. Foot Hygiene 

Keeping your feet clean and healthily washed prevents foot corn. Good hygiene reduces the chances of an infection and thus keeps the skin soft and supple. Soak your feet in warm water to which Epsom salts have been added; this will help soften the skin and reduce the buildup of hard, dead skin cells that could result in corns. 

4. Apply Protective Pads or Cushions

Use protective pads or cushions against areas prone to corns while exercising to save them from excessive friction and pressure. These act to provide the area with protection and reduce the incidence of friction in the particular area where the corn would set in, such as the tops of the toes.

5. Pay Attention to Gait and Biomechanics

If a person always develops corns when running or even at the gym, then that would be a good enough reason to consult a podiatrist or physical therapist about one’s gait and biomechanics. By correcting abnormalities in your gait through orthotics, footwear adjustments, or specific exercises, the risk of corn development could be really minimized.

6. Take Regular Breaks

If you run for long distances or are into some prolonged sessions of workouts, allow yourself breaks in between. This gives your feet time to rest, hence reducing the chances of pressure that leads to corns.


The prevention of foot corns from exercising or running involves some protective ways to make sure the feet are protected from friction and pressure. Doing so means choosing the right shoes, wearing moisture-wicking socks, good hygiene of the feet, and protecting them with whatever may be required. All these acts will reduce your chances of getting corns and will keep your feet healthy and free of pain.

If you are looking for a trusted surgeon for foot corn treatment in Hyderabad, look no further than Smart Surgeons. At Smart Surgeons, they believe in making surgery less intimidating and more predictable for you. Their team of highly trained professionals provides you with transparent and caring service, which is why each procedure is personally designed to meet your needs. If having foot corns is a problem or any other foot problems, it is well worth considering a consultation with Smart Surgeons.Â